PHR’s Josh Erickson hosted his weekly live chat today at 2 p.m. Central. Use this link to view the transcript.
at CDT | by Josh Erickson 1 Comment
PHR’s Josh Erickson hosted his weekly live chat today at 2 p.m. Central. Use this link to view the transcript.
Since it’s considered a “live chat” why wouldn’t PHR consider opening it up for a discussion amongst everyone logged in to the chat at the time? I think that would drive huge hits if we could discuss with eachother the questions being answered. Maybe toss out a ask us anything to generate the q’s in advance, and the writer answer 1 every 5-10 minutes to move things along. I understand on some of the other sites a lot of hate, racism, and politics take over the conversations in busy topics, but that doesn’t seem to be a common occurance on PHR and maybe one of the other writers could sit in as a moderator to make sure talks don’t go overboard and cross too many lines.
Would that be something PHR would consider? I am sure you could even get a regular commenter to sit in as a mod on the chats to make sure they’re just looking out for people trying to hijack the convos and hit a quick mute button so those attacking others for one reason or another can’t overtake the room.
There are a few people who frequent the comments I would support moderating such events. Some could add content during the chat, some would need to be hidden, but I’d respect their decisions on whether someone was allowed to continue on the convo’s. Some people just can’t contain their homerism or offside comments.