For this week only, PHR’s Josh Erickson’s weekly live chat is moving to Tuesday. You can read a transcript of today’s session using this link.
at CDT | by Josh Erickson 18 Comments
For this week only, PHR’s Josh Erickson’s weekly live chat is moving to Tuesday. You can read a transcript of today’s session using this link.
Can phr do a welcome post/explainer for people (such as myself)who would like to start following hockey but haven’t got the foggiest idea of offsides is or why are there so many line changes and many more questions that are trivial and simply stupid to the knowledge fan but to me is necessary information.
Baseball isn’t boring.
There are 2 blue lines and the puck must cross them before any other players on the offensive team( offsides) or the face off comes outside the zone. There are so many line changes because coaches are trying to get certain match ups going for their team and the home team gets the last line change when the play is stopped so teams try to dump the puck in to get the matchups they like. Time permitting will answer any more questions you might have. I’ll try to find you a publication that explains it better.
link to
Best I could do in a hurry.
Depending on what you are looking for, you could check out The Hockey Guy’s channel on youtube, he has a “Hockey 101” playlist that I think is catered to fans from expansion cities. He seems to have a large following among Vegas fans as a result
@baseball_is_boring, ask away. There are many smart people in these comments sections that can help as well when there is a rule or something you don’t understand. Not gonna be a lot to talk about for the next few weeks now that majority of free agency is over. Most of us would be happy to answer some of those questions just to have something to talk about and some of the writers partake in the comments sections too.
Here’s one, if a team scored first why can’t all 5 guys plus the goalie just stand in front of the net?
Also, what exactly is icing. And what determines a minor penalty from a major penalty?
q1) Nothing stops a team from doing that. It’s what a lot of people consider 90s hockey. Team would score 1st and then play trap and collapse hockey. It was highly unentertaining. It wasn’t so much to the point of just having 6 guys in the crease to prevent any shots from going in, but they would collapse down low in the defensive zone to prevent higher danger chances. Then teams realized the most skilled guys with lethal shots like Ovechkin or Matthews could either still pick holes or have it bounce around and in or have their team crash the net as the goalie rarely can get control of the puck in such a scramble and stop play and bang in a rebound. Wasn’t a successful gameplan. Always holes around the net in such situations.
Icing is when a team shoots the puck from their own side of the center ice line without having a player from their team judged likely to retrieve it before a defensive teams player (goalie excluded) before the players reach the hash marks (the lines at the center of the face off circle, not dot the circle in the line about 10 feet surrounding the dot where faceoffs are taken in teams zones) to maintain player safety.
A major penalty is one determined by the officials on ice as a penalty with some intent to or if an injury is caused. A minor is an incidental occurance. A double minor is a incidental occurance where blood is accidentally drawn.
An offside is when an offensive player enters the offensive zone (the blue line) before the puck does. It’s meant to prevent cherry picking and having one offensive guy from just standing in the offensive zone waiting for the puck and giving the defensive team a chance to prevent such a situation.
In regards to your answer to q1 you mentioned something called the crease I’m assuming based on context that it’s the zone on front of the goalie (that semi circle with red paint) and I’m also assuming that the defensive zone you mentioned is from the blue line until the goalie am I correct in my understanding.
In regards to q2 I’m not sure exactly what you are saying. If a player shoots the puck into the offensive zone and is deemed likely to be touched first by s defender on the other team that’s icing? I’m not understanding the other details as to when or where the rule is engaged.
Additionally why are there lines from the back of the net to wall on the ice. What purpose shoes they serve.
I appreciate you taking the time and engaging with me. Thanks!
Sorry I meant to reply @wreckage hope you still see this
Crease yes is the goalies area of right. The blue ice surrounded by a red line that is considered his right to protect. If an offensive player enters that zone and prevents the goalies ability to stop a shot it is considered goaltender interference.
Defensive zone is the zone behind the blue line where your goal is.
q2, if a team shoots the puck, and it’s not on goal and the goalie does not exit his crease to make a play on it, and it is shot from the opposite side of the possessing teams side of center ice, it is considered icing. If the possessing team makes contact first, or is deemed likely to make contact first, icing is waved off so the attacking team may provide an offensive attack.
q3, the lines from goal to wall are to address icing situations.
Ah ok thank you so much for enlightening me!
This might be a troll post guys. There’s a hundred resources on the rules
Ya, but some guys are too lazy to look them up. If truly a new fan of the sport, I’m happy to help them understand some of the rules. Regardless of if they’re disputed ones in recent times.
Game has been called with some grey in recent years and not just black and white. For the most part they have been followed, but some of the grey ones have left fans of teams questioning. As long as convo’s are civil, I don’t mind discussing them. Especially at this time of the hockey year.
What else do we have to talk about? Whether that Flames shot was in in 04? If Hull’s skate being in should have counted?
This is not a troll post. Come on, seriously. I’ve tried to watch videos explaining but I still can’t seem to fully understand the concepts.
Rather have them be an understanding and supporting fan of hockey than futbol or euro football.
Reviewing my post about the 90s hockey… How glad are we that they got rid of the 2 line pass rule? That itself ruined the game into the clutch and grab era.