Mitchell Miller’s time with the Bruins has come to a quick end as the team has announced that they are parting ways with the defenseman who had signed with Boston back on Friday. Team president Cam Neely released the following statement:
The decision to sign this young man was made after careful consideration of the facts as we were aware of them: that at 14-years-old he made a poor decision that led to a juvenile conviction. We understood this to be an isolated incident and that he had taken meaningful action to reform and was committed to ongoing personal development. Based on that understanding we offered him a contract.
Based on new information, we believe it is the best decision at this time to rescind the opportunity for Mitchell Miller to represent the Boston Bruins. We hope that he continues to work with professionals and programs to further his education and personal growth.
We owe it to our fans, players, staff, partners and community to make sure that our practices and protocols are in keeping with the ethos that we demand from ourselves and as an organization. As such, we will be reevaluating our internal processes for vetting individuals who wish to earn the privilege of playing in the National Hockey League for the Boston Bruins.
We are sorry that this decision has overshadowed the incredible work the members of our organization do to support diversity and inclusion efforts. We will continue to stand against bullying and racism in all of its forms.
To Isaiah and his family, my deepest apologies if this signing made you and other victims feel unseen and unheard. We apologize for the deep hurt and impact we have caused.
Miller’s signing was a controversial one following the revelations of a 2016 assault conviction for bullying and abusing a Black, developmentally disabled classmate. The Coyotes, who had drafted him 111th overall back in 2020, renounced his rights later that year, making him an unrestricted free agent.
On Saturday, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman indicated that Miller was not currently eligible to play in the NHL and suggested that he might not ever be. That called into question whether or not he’d be able to play in the AHL with that league saying they’d need to meet with Miller and review the situation in further detail. That will no longer be necessary with his time with Boston now having ended.
A truely confounding series of events.
Miller has been cancelled 4 Life.
Canceled himself with abhorrent behavior.
At 14. Ridiculous.
Consequence Culture.
I hate this even more than bringing him in in the first place. If you had the conviction and you did the due diligence to bring him in then stand by it. By doing this you still look idiotic but you also look weak and all this drama and disruption you brought on this team was for nothing. Just absolutely shameful and a total waste.
I’m sure they heard from a few sponsors this weekend
Ya like what new information came to light, no new info came out. This is a pure saving face move that will hopefully also blow up in bostons face
BD, that’s what annoys me so much about this. There really was no “new information”. The better part of this dude’s history was known even by the time PHX cut him loose. The lying by Sweeney is nauseating here.
Agreed, I believe this is something seriously damaging towards a teams culture and damages the overall image of the game. I believe his response is lacking and just as tone def as the signing itself. I don’t know if management deserves to be fired over this but they need some kind of image rehabilitation beyond the token we will grown and learn from our mistakes bs statement
Yeah they can stand by it all they want but when money starts to disappear from sponsors you start singing a different tune, really quickly. Money talks as the saying goes. And there was no new information, Boston just didn’t want it to revolve around money and went the PR route instead. Any owner in any league would’ve pulled the plug on this for money alone, (honestly I’m not sure why it wasn’t vetoed immediately to begin with)nevermind the absolutely disgraceful actions that were the cause of his downfall in the 1st place. He gets what he deserves, hopefully he has a fall back plan cuz hockey isn’t it for him, at least on the highest level.
I’m guessing Russia will be in his future
I thought the same thing, but wanted to leave certain politics out of it. But he’d fit right in, in certain circles out there
I love how you demonize a 14 year old kid for life. I’m sure you were perfect at 14.
@ghost I mean I wasn’t a racist abuser of the mentally disabled… So I think this is a little bit different than “kids will be kids” kind of stuff. I was no angel at 14 but what this kid did was inexcusable and would take a lot of hard work to atone for which it doesn’t sound like he has.
Boston sure pooped the bed on that one. Pissed off players and sponsors all in one fell swoop.
The only good thing that could come out of all this is if they fire Sweeney the guy has NO commonsense or clue what he’s doing
Did Cam call Isaiah personally to apologize or just release an apology via this statement similar to what Mitchell did?
From what the kids mom said no one from the Bruins reached out till after the signing so she refuses to talk to anyone from the Bruins management she named only 3 players she would talk to Marchand, PB37, and Foligno because they publicly disagreed with the signing
@case7187—That says it all. I was hoping the mother would be able to set the record straight in the public square. The B’s front office needs to be hauled out in front of an angry Northern Tool & Equipment 3000 psi pressure washer and given the full treatment.
Case- You got a source on this one?
Fluto had it in a story on the Athletic
link to
“After hearing Bergeron, Marchand and Foligno speak, Meyer-Crothers said she would welcome the players to their home. She would explain how Miller’s mistreatment affected Isaiah and her family. She would share the reports she has received on Isaiah’s mental health.
Meyer-Crothers said she is not interested in speaking with Sweeney because of how he explained the situation.
“No, I wouldn’t want to speak to him. No,” Meyer-Crothers said. “He made it known that it didn’t really matter what we had to say.””
Let’s be honest about what happened here…the Bruins did NOT want to know the truth.
Any investigation that doesn’t reach out to the victim is not an investigation meant to find the truth…it’s a white washed window dressing meant to check a box.
For some strange reason, Sweeney and Neely seemed to think that if they stuck their own heads in the sand, that would somehow keep anyone else from finding out.
For as bad as their management looks after this, the Bruins leaders said and did the right thing without hesitation.
B’s fans should be as proud of their players as they are ashamed by their front office.
Let’s be clear — this was not “the Bruins”.
This was entirely Cam Neely’s circus… and, as usual, Sweeny standing by with his hands in his pockets and whistling while staring into the sky.
Um, I’m a complete nobody and I knew it wasn’t an isolated incident. How can people making millions to know this stuff not know? Pathetic.
I think Danny Heatley and Craig MacTavish had excellent careers after getting blitzed and killing someone.
Should have got the kid therapy and counseling and made him the poster boy for bullying.
Andrew Shaw got WHAT for saying WHAT?
The Bruins front office knew exactly what would happen. ”New information”, sure. All these questions about the Bruins doing their due dilligence correctly. They’re not that stupd. This is funneling. This, the Cole incident. Someone is directing a narrative. Whatever happened to all the Cole press? Poof. Did the press run on about the mistreated Ian Cole? Nope.
Times have changed my friend .
I think he’s pointing out the hyprocrisy.
Andrew Shaw didn’t even say it to a gay guy, the ref wasn’t gay, just used a sensitive word that literally everyone has said… big whoop
literally missed plenty of pay on his contract over it too, a greedy woman making up lies to steal money from a working man, The Patrick Kane “rape” accusation cost him an endorsement too because he was supposedly to share the NHL16 cover with Toews, hope he sued that dog for his loss on the endorsement her lies and greed cost him
Craig Mctavish deserved second chance . He did change his life. He showed true remorse. He learned from his horrible mistake. Read what McTavish has said and written He deals with this even today.
Evidence Miller still same loser he was at 14. He did nothing till he thought he could get a contract last few weeks.
MY Reply was meant for Dave frost Nhlpa
Ignore that user. Look up the David Frost, former agent, and realize the user is just here to stir the pot. Not worth the time.
An exclusive Bruins fan since 1962 — I am embarrassed, confused, ashamed, disgusted, and distraught at NEELY’S sole decision to sign any such genetically defective human into the Boston Bruins organization.
I’ve been touting the removal of Neely and Sweeney ever since their pathetic mishandling of Cassidy’s departure.
This most recent secretive stunt is by all accounts leading — and now pointing — to one person; Cam Neely.
He used to be one of my favorite all-time players. Now I can’t even look at his photo much less listen to his mouth running all over the map.
He should run for president with his putrid knack for going whichever way the wind is blowing at the moment.
That said, Sweeney is just as much at fault for not standing-up to his General Mismanager, Neely.
Can anyone out there please tell me when it was that Sweeney became Neely’s puppet?
I truly believe Harry Sinden would be irate at this Defective Duo’s actions and mismanagement.
One more thing about Harry — if this had happened on his watch he would immediately call a press conference and apologize to the fans and entire Hockey World for this pathetic event.
Somebody give owner (and missing link) Jeremy Jacobs and demand the ousting of Neely and Sweeney.
If an athlete goes to jail, they usually return to sports. If they are never charged, they usually get blackballed.
As others have said, this decision was made for the Bruins by their sponsors, not because of “new” information. And beings the sponsors effectively run the league now, why didn’t Sweeney & Co. confer with them before signing this kid? “Mr. Pfizer, can you provide us with moral guidance on our roster decisions?”. :/
That’s how cancel culture works:
Someone does/says something the cancel culture deems unacceptable
The CC leans on sponsors
Sponsors cave like a house of cards, because no one has any backbone to stand up to CC (maybe one or two, like Jason Aldean)
Person is canceled
That’s how the free market works.
Snowflakes call it cancel culture because they either don’t like accountability or lack the ability understand it or both.
If it was truly a free market, then social media wouldn’t be shielded from liability. It’s called Section 230. Look it up, and educate yourself. So your argument falls apart right there. Cancel culture exists because it hides behind Section 230.
OK, Lionel Hutz Jr…
What part of this incident with Mitchell involves Section 230 and how?
I now count 3 fallacies you’ve engaged in.
Ad Hominem: “Lionel Hutz” “Snowflake”
Strawman: I was speaking in general terms of cancel culture, and answering another poster,not the specific incident of the hockey player. If you don’t understand my comment, read Gbear’s post, then mine.
Hasty Generalization: “snowflakes don’t understand”
Typical liberal snark, and fallacious arguments, because you can’t argue logically. Good job
Section 230 prevent websites from being held liable for their users’ speech.
You think suing companies for their users’ free expression is the way to fight cancel culture, eh?
“Ad Hominem: “Lionel Hutz” “Snowflake””
Also, whining about Lionel Hutz Jr. “AD HOMINEM!!!!” is the snowflakiest thing ever.
IN THEIR OWN MINDS: F your feelings!!!!
In reality: Lionel Hutz Jr. triggered me and now I need a safe space.
At least you admitted cancel culture exists, in your last post. 4 posts ago, it was called the free market, according to you. Thank you.
If other entities are held liable for users’ speech, then internet companies like Twitter, Facebook etc. should be also.
“Also, whining about Lionel Hutz Jr. “AD HOMINEM!!!!” is the snowflakiest thing ever.
IN THEIR OWN MINDS: F your feelings!!!!”
More fallacies. If you have anything logical and non-fallacious to contribute, please get back to me. But this immature twaddle just bores me, and isn’t a challenge to deflect. Very weak. I suggest brushing up on fallacies, and how to avoid them.
What other entities are held liable for users’ speech? And how does that relate to a hockey team realizing (belatedly) that racist abusers are bad for business?
Also, “fallacy” doesn’t mean “question I can’t answer”, you realize that, right?
You think the free market working is “cancel culture” and your solution is to suppress free speech through litigation against people’s opinions but you think anyone else is engaging in logical fallacies?
Also, just for fun, can you think of an example of “cancel culture” speech that an internet company should be held liable for?
Just thought of something really funny Josh. You were jumping all over this Mitchell kid for bullying, but your AD Hominem attacks such as:
“Also, whining about Lionel Hutz Jr. “AD HOMINEM!!!!” is the snowflakiest thing ever.
IN THEIR OWN MINDS: F your feelings!!!!
In reality: Lionel Hutz Jr. triggered me and now I need a safe space.”
are considered to be online bullying.
Hypocrisy much? You really are too funny.
“Also, just for fun, can you think of an example of “cancel culture” speech that an internet company should be held liable for?”
Burden of proof fallacy, Josh.
Keep ’em coming! I’d lend you a shovel, but you’re doing just fine on your own.
Yes, you are being a total snowflake hypocrite. That is true.
You want to equate me referring to you by a cartoon characters name because of your tenuous grasp on the law with six years of abuse culminating in feeding a special needs child urine soaked candy.
This is officially the biggest snowflake move of all time.
Super funny and ever more sad, at the same time.
So, you understand that if you give an example of such speech, you will totally undercut your moronic argument that suing to suppress speech is the way to fight “cancel culture”.
“What other entities are held liable for users’ speech?”
Any printed material that publishes Outsiders editorials can be held liable. Say a magazine punishes an editorial, by someone not affiliated with them. They publish a disclaimer: The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect blah blah blah
“And how does that relate to a hockey team realizing (belatedly) that racist abusers are bad for business?”
I haven’t seen so many strawman since the last time I watched the Wizard of Oz
“Also, “fallacy” doesn’t mean “question I can’t answer”, you realize that, right?”
I have no idea what you’re rambling about here
“You think the free market working is “cancel culture” and your solution is to suppress free speech through litigation against people’s opinions but you think anyone else is engaging in logical fallacies?”
I already explained this. It’s not free market, because social media isn’t bound by the same rules that traditional print media is
Not my fault you can’t have an intelligent, logical argument without resorting to a Zamboni full of fallacies, name calling, and general silliness. Sounds like you’re the one who has been triggered, and are just projecting.
“So, you understand that if you give an example of such speech, you will totally undercut your moronic argument that suing to suppress speech is the way to fight “cancel culture”.
There are several really good articles online giving reasons for abolishing Section 230. I suggest you Google them. In fact I invited you to research it before we got sidetracked by your increasingly hysterical posts. Judging by your histrionics, it’s easy to see who was the snowflake here.
“it’s easy to see who was the snowflake here.”
Yeah…the guy who compared himself to being called “Lionel Hutz Jr.” to a mentally disabled kid being fed urine and said he was being “bullied” by said Simpsons reference.
Snowflake Hall of Famer right there.
But, you fancy yourself quite the expert on Section 230 and it’s impact on what you call “cancel culture” but you can’t explain how that would work or cite even one example of the type of speech that websites should be held liable for and how that would correlate to an elimination of “cancel culture”….?
@KRB – As you have discovered here, Josh is incapable having a reasoned debate. He’s no doubt still advocating for more booster shots and masking children for covid.
The free market would be fans not buying tickets to Bruins games in protest. Sponsors dictating personnel moves is corporate bullying.
Well, it’s fruitless to continue this, so I’ll bid you goodbye.
The problem here is that you petulantly refuse to allow someone else an opinion that differs from your own. When I dared to do so, your meltdown was epic. I was reminded of a 3 year old, throwing a temper tantrum at having his sippy cup taken away. You called names, used as many fallacies as I’ve ever seen from one person, and probably a few I haven’t even heard of, and gave a histrionic display worthy of someone very unsure of himself.BTW I never said your online bullying was directly equal to what Miller did. I said your online bullying is hypocritical, since you (again histrionically) criticized Boston for signing a bullying, but you engage in a form of bullying yourself.
This will probably fall on deaf ears, but I’d advise you to think about 3 things, if you want people to take you seriously in the future:
1. Learn about fallacies, and how to avoid them
2. Dial back the histrionics, at least to a preteen level. Anything is better than the 3 year old level you showed
3. Learn to accept that a person having a opinion that differs from your own, is not a life or death matter
That is all
Thanks Gbear
As you may have surmised from my responses, I’m capable of having a reasoned, calm and logical argument. For Whom Josh Bell Trolled, apparently is not. It was an interesting intellectual exercise for me, but only for awhile. Most trolls are repetitive. I enjoyed watching his histrionics, projection and generally immature behavior. That was a meltdown worthy of a 3 year old, who had his sippy cup taken away. Alas, it got boring when he couldn’t come up with anything remotely like a logical argument.
Hope your Preds get going, but that’s doubtful!
Let the kid play somewhere.
At least you admitted cancel culture exists, in your last post. 4 posts ago, it was called the free market, according to you. Thank you.
If other entities are held liable for users’ speech, then internet companies like Twitter, Facebook etc should be, as well.
So many of you cheer this guy being cancelled forever for doing something dumb at 14. Meanwhile you are cheering on Evander Kane while wearing a Deshawn Walker jersey. I wonder what the difference is?
Re: Kane – It doesn’t work the other way around, you know.
Liberals always wax poetic about second chances. If someone has the correct background (inner city) they can murder someone or rob a liquor store or even hold a gun to a pregnant women’s stomach (George Floyd) and not only be forgiven, but be lionized. But God help you if are white and hurt someone’s feelings. LMAO.
Cancel Culture is just a term right wing radical wanna be Nazi’s use to deflect from their own conspiracy theory rhetoric. This Miller kid is long past 14 and still hasn’t apologized directly to his victim or family. He’s only showing some remorse cuz he got busted trying to cancel his victims self worth.
When an actual argument fails a lefty, out comes Adolf!
That’s known as Godwin’s Law.
In the early days of commercial internet, there used to be message boards called Usenet. Godwin was a user there, who postulated that in every argument on Usenet, eventually someone would bring up Hitler or Nazis, and they, by default, lost the argument.
The guy was 14 when that happened!!! How many NFL or NBA players should have been cancelled for life if held to the same standards? Oh, wait…
Are all these nut jobs just 1 dude in his moms basement with 5 alt accounts?
I have taught 14 year olds for 35 years, someone should not be barred from employment as an adult for something they did at age 14.
Thank you.
Didn’t realize we had so many modern day Pharisee’s on this board. I expect the chant of “stone him” to break out soon.
Typical keyboard warriors. Too bad ignorance isn’t painful!