Former Vancouver Canucks center Brandon Sutter, who’s now an unrestricted free agent after his contract expired this offseason, hasn’t played an NHL game since May 1, 2021. That fact doesn’t look to change anytime soon, as Sutter tells The Province’s Ben Kuzma that he’s still dealing with symptoms of long COVID, presumably from his infection during the widespread outbreak on the Canucks during the 2020-21 season.
Sutter didn’t suit up at all in 2021-22 after symptoms worsened during the offseason. Overall in 2020-21, the now 33-year-old Sutter had nine goals and 12 points in 43 games.
With Sutter noting in the interview that he still can’t do any cardio training at this point, a return to NHL play for him seems like an infinitesimally small chance. He does say he’s still focused on returning to play, but with his symptoms not improving yet, it just doesn’t seem like a reality.
If it’s the end of the road for Sutter, he finishes with 152 goals, 137 assists, and 289 points in 770 career NHL games.
China flu
@Artem99, tell me you are a bigot, without specifically saying you are a bigot.
Yeah, better off just muting him.
“Siri, how do you say DERP!!! in Russian?”
Siri pulls up an article about the War of 1812.
Please explain how naming the country of origin of a virus is a bigoted statement. My guess is that it is a small brain, non-thinking, emotional thing but I will wait for your answer.
I was just reading about the Spanish flu. And the Hong Kong flu. And the German measles. And Siamese twins. Fascinating stuff. I will not use the term “swine flu” though. It’s derogatory to Porcine-Americans!
Don’t forget Japanese Encephalitis and African Trypanosomiasis. Definitely don’t mention Legionnaires’ disease because we wouldn’t want to offend the veterans who are members of the American Legion organization. Oh noes!
People just like to virtue signal and call out “bigotry”, racism and X-phobia even when there’s nothing there that exists outside of their own imaginations, that’s all it is.
@The Mistake of Giving Eugene Melnyk a Liver Transplant
Is french fries also bigotry?
I bet these commie frauds would brag about learning the history of slavery in the west and how profoundly nasty the west is/was. Yet they choose to forget basic historical facts about china flu. Not only that but they try to censor everyone who opposes their cult by simply stating a fact.
I refuse to eat French toast. From now on it’ll be Gallic toasted sweet bread. And no more Canadian bacon. From now on it’s Great North pork product. My English muffins are now UK muffins. And American cheese is Indigenous Lands That Were Stolen by White colonialists cheese
Now let me get this straight….someone with the name of The Mistake of Giving Eugene Melnyk a Liver Transplant…someone who is calling a potentially life saving operation for an elderly man a mistake….is calling someone else out for being immoral? OOOOOOOOOOOK! Hypocrisy abounds in this comments section
Let’s see if we can explain it in a way some of you can comprehend.
Some of us are here to talk hockey. What we’re not here to do is inject your asinine politics into every discussion. People flapping their mouths about how players are rejecting signing to play in “socialist Canada” are being trolls and a$$holes. People flapping their mouths about “Chinese COVID” are being trolls and a$$holes. Yeah, we get that “owning the libs” is the only joy you get in your miserable, narrow freaking lives, but go wave your peeners somewhere else.
That’s a long-winded post of you, ironically, injecting your asinine politics into another discussion.
At least don’t be a hypocrite, toolbag.
I had a close friend who was a personal trainer and competitive MMA fighter.
He was 37 years old, after he contracted Covid he ended up on a ventilator and survived but now cannot walk up a flight of stairs without being winded.
He still has a bunch of other bizarre and crazy symptoms, what a f*cked up virus it was for the people who caught it early before anybody knew how to treat it.
I’m 58. I have a bad heart valve. I’ll need to have that replaced sometime. I couldn’t even run to the end of the block. Needless to say, I’m not a personal trainer. My experience with COVID? Sniffles for 2 days. Go figure. Maybe it has something to do with the regimen of vitamins I take to keep my immune system healthy. BTW never been jabbed.
If a disease doesn’t kill literally everyone, it’s no big deal.
I haven’t seen a bigger straw man since the last time I watched the Wizard of Oz. I suppose you know that most people who died from the China flu had one or more comorbidities? If you didn’t know that, I suppose you’re on your way to get the 3rd jab…or 4th….or…..
“I lived. So everything is fine!!!”
“Myopic anecdotal evidence is the ONLY evidence that matters!!!!”
Doubling down on the strawman fallacy, eh?
“I could while away the hours, conferring with the flowers, consulting with the rain”
One good turn deserves another:
“Help! I’m scared of a virus that kills old, sick people! Jab me 10 times with an vaccine that didn’t receive 1/10th of the vetting a normal vaccine would!”
“You can’t come in here. You haven’t been vaccinated”
“Does the vaccine keep me from getting COVID?”
“Does it keep other people from getting my COVID?”
“So why do I need the vaccine?”
“Because you can’t enter without it”
“Why can’t I enter without it?”
“It’s not allowed”
“Why isn’t it allowed?”
“Because you can’t enter without it”
“Why not?”
“Because we say so”
“So what’s the vaccine for?”
“So it stops COVID?”
“It stops me from spreading it to others?”
“So what does it do?”
“It’s for COVID”
Since you don’t understand the concept of a strawman fallacy, this is what you did:
Exaggerating (sometimes grossly) an opponent’s argument, then attacking this exaggerated version.
Source: Wikipedia
Citing Wikipedia while trying to show you are the smartest person in the room. Classic self-own!
This Is a typical Sutter problem, He’s always had one physical problem or another that has kept him from playing.
Over a year he’s struggling with COVID but swears Ivermectin is helping him. All righty then Brandon, maybe you don’t have worms. Please stay on the farm
Yep, maybe go that four-shot route. You know, where you were promised that shot one would make you immune to the entire thing.
“where you were promised that shot one would make you immune to the entire thing.”
Literally NO ONE said anything like that.
For starters, the two main vaccines were two doses…but that’s, like, math and it’s hard, I guess.
doghockey… Trump, is that you?
No. I’m Trump. KRB stands for Kick Russian Butt
Hypocrite. You use strawman fallacies, and call out someone else for the same thing. Typical liberal. I’d lay 3 to 1 odds you’ve been to a diversity class in the last 6 months.
Pants on fire. The real Trump is Kiss Russia Butt
I suppose you still believe in the Russia Collusion theory, right? Try watching a news Channel other than MSNBC sometime.
Actually, fwjbt, Joe Biden himself did.
“But again, one last thing. I — we don’t talk enough to you about this, I don’t think. One last thing that’s really important is: We’re not in a position where we think that any virus — including the Delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more deadly in terms of non — unvaccinated people — the vi- — the various shots that people are getting now cover that. They’re — you’re okay. You’re not going to — you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”
link to
July 21, 2021. And that’s from the WHITEHOUSE.GOV. So spare me the “radical right” comment coming next.
No problem. No “radical right” comment next. Just that you’re being a troll and an a$$hole.
Wait, now it’s being a TROLL to provide evidence? Real, legitimate, from-the-freaking-Democratic-Whitehouse evidence?
Typical. Tell me you’re a liberal baby without telling me you’re a liberal baby.