The Chicago Blackhawks have released the findings of an investigation into allegations of sexual assault by Brad Aldrich in 2010 when he was employed as a video coach with the team. As a result of the investigation, general manager Stan Bowman has “stepped aside” from the organization, admitting he made a mistake in 2010. Senior vice president of hockey operations Al MacIssac has also left the organization.
The Blackhawks have also been fined $2MM by the league for “inadequate internal procedures and insufficient and untimely response in the handling of matters related to former video coach Brad Aldrich’s employment with the Club and ultimate departure in 2010.” Half of that amount will be dedicated to fund local organizations that provide counseling and training for, and support and assistance to, survivors of sexual and other forms of abuse.
Bowman, 48, joined the Blackhawks in 2005 as director of hockey operations and was named general manager in 2009. He was given the title of president of hockey operations in 2020 after previously serving as senior vice president. He retained the title of general manager and conducted a drastic overhaul to the roster over the last few months, bringing in players like Marc-Andre Fleury, Seth Jones, Jake McCabe, Caleb Jones, Tyler Johnson, and Adam Gaudette. That roster will now be inherited by Kyle Davidson, who will be serving as interim general manager as the club searches for a new front office leader.
Not only was Bowman in charge of the Blackhawks, but he also served as general manager for the U.S. National Team that is set to take part in the 2022 Olympics. Bowman has stepped down from that position as well. No replacement has been named.
At the time of the incident, in which Aldrich is alleged to have sexually assaulted two players during the 2010 playoffs, a meeting was reportedly held between skills coach Paul Vincent, then team president John McDonough, Bowman, MacIsaac, and sports psychologist James Gary, with Vincent reporting the incident and asking management to take it to the Chicago police. According to Vincent, who spoke with Rick Westhead of TSN, they refused.
In the press conference today, former assistant US attorney Reid Schar, who conducted the investigation, revealed that there was a meeting between MacIsaac, Bowman, McDonough, Gary then assistant general manager Kevin Cheveldayoff, then executive vice president Jay Blunk, and then head coach Joel Quenneville where the allegations were discussed, though accounts of the meeting “vary significantly.” After being informed of the incident, no action was taken for three weeks. The investigation also found that Blackhawks ownership was not aware of the allegations until this year. Cheveldayoff and Quenneville have previously denied knowing about the allegations.
NHL commissioner Gary Bettman will meet with Cheveldayoff, currently the general manager of the Winnipeg Jets, and Quenneville, head coach of the Florida Panthers, to “discuss their roles in the relevant events.” It is not clear if they will receive additional punishment from the league. He also explains that if the four executives linked to the decision–Bowman, McDonough, Blunk and MacIsaac–wish to re-enter the league in some capacity, they will need to meet with Bettman before accepting any NHL-related position to determine “the appropriate conditions under which such new employment might take place.”
McDonough informed the team’s human resources director after the 2010 playoffs, and Aldrich was given the option to undergo an investigation or resign. He resigned that June. McDonough, who had been with the team since 2007, was fired in 2020. No executive involved in the 2010 incident will remain with the team.
139 witnesses were interviewed during the investigation, including the player who initially filed a lawsuit against the team earlier this year and some current Blackhawks players. The full report can be read here.
After the investigation began…what, exactly, was Bowman’s plan? Hope they are really, really bad investigators?
He knew what he did or did not do.
One thing I didn’t include, but is noteworthy, is that the Blackhawks previously investigated the allegations themselves and concluded that they were without merit.
Anyone involved in that whitewash should probably quietly follow Bowman out the door.
We’ll MacIsaac is definitely the one who they could prove but there were probably more involved. Hopefully none of them ever have gainful employment again.
We’ve investigated ourselves and found that we’ve done nothing wrong
When did the Hawks previously investigate? The report states, “A Blackhawks policy at the time provided that all reports of sexual harassment would be “promptly and thoroughly” investigated. Our investigation uncovered no evidence, however, that McDonough or anyone else either contacted Human Resources or initiated an investigation between May 23 and June 14.” So, when did this “noteworthy” previous investigation occur? Are you referring to Gary speaking with John Doe? That is NOT an investigation. Who made the “without merit” call? Plus, the report states that when BA resigned he was given the choice between an investigation or resignation. That implies they never investigated.
I’m referring to the statement Adam Rogowin, Blackhawks VP of communications made to WBEZ in May (ultimately kicking off Rick Westhead and then Katie Strang’s coverage), which read: “The Chicago Blackhawks take the allegations asserted by a former player very seriously. Based on our investigation, we believe the allegations against the organization lack merit and we are confident the team will be absolved of any wrongdoing.”
link to
Just, UGH! What a mess. Dear Stan, “making a mistake” is going into the store through the door that says “EXIT”, instead of “ENTER”. What you did could be seen as criminal.
with a path of destruction left in his wake…
Bowman and Co. have gotten most of the focus but it is worth stepping back and really understanding how unusual this case is…normally, these type of situations involve someone with lots of power exploiting someone who has less power.
The freaking assistant video coach or whatever he was…
Wasn’t the dad close with a few GMs and worked for team USA? That could be part of it. Also until you’re in that situation it’s hard to know how you’d react and there’s still a huge stigma
If you read the investigative report this is absolutely a case of someone with power exploiting someone who doesn’t have much power.
Bowman has destroyed that organization for years to come with the roster he’s put together and it doesn’t even come close to the worst thing he’s done as a high ranking exec. Good riddance
Let’s hope this results in a change to the Team USA structure, too.
Pretty sure I read that Aldrich went on to abuse again, at a college and at a high school hockey program. The Blackhawks are going to be held liable for some other lawsuits I believe….
My thoughts go out to the victims and their families. I finished reading the report a few minutes ago and feel nothing but outrage. It makes me sick, a sexual predator in a position of power is enabled by the higher ups. The executives and coaches kept it quiet and let the sexual predator continue his job around the victims! He continued to harm others by their inaction as noted in the report’s reference of an attack on an intern. Then they allowed him to quietly resign and find employment elsewhere to continue his sexual attacks on other young men. How does a sexual predator get to celebrate and have their name engraved on the Stanley Cup while his victims watch? Chicago better petition ASAP to get “Brad Aldrich” OFF the Stanley Cup. NO WAY Stan Bowman should be the GM of the US National team, he needs to be fired immediately. And Cheveldayoff and Quenneville, they flat out LIED! They better suffer some consequences besides simply having a meeting to “discuss their roles in the relevant events”. Bottom line, these folks enabled a sexual predator and should be held to account. Shame on them.
Look at all them woke clowns crawl out of the shade to watch another bunch of heretics hang. All them here, never a good sign.
Damn, it’s hard to believe but we found the guy who is in favour of sexual assault. F outta here pedo
Not heretics, they are enablers of a sexual predator. The only “clown” is someone who has no thoughts for the victims and their families. What would you do if someone you cared for was sexually molested by their coach? Just laugh it off and say “don’t rock the boat”? Sounds like you need to wake up.
Quinn I’ll read also there, he should also be fired!
Never once have they said what this coach allegedly did? What did he do exactly? Where are facts? The Hawks got rid of the bum, it’s not like they didn’t take any action. I don’t understand why the woke crowd thinks it’s so clear cut the Hawks should have brought the police in. Years ago the players would have taken the coach out in the alley and beat the daylights out of him. Case closed, old school approach.
You know there’s a 100 page investigation document right? It’s not hard to find and the allegations are clearly laid out.
Old school approach would just be moving him to a different parish.
How about you read the actual report before commenting? Everything you asked about is IN THE REPORT. And pretend the victims were loved ones in your family. Would you get the police involved, 100% YES YOU WOULD. Would you want your so called “woke crowd” to be silent? The victim had to watch his sexual predator celebrate and get his name engraved on the Stanley Cup in 2010. A sexual predator’s name is engraved on the Stanley Cup, is that “ok” with you? The victim has been living with this for over 10 years. The victim watched the sexual predator continue his behavior on other young men until his eventual conviction for a similar attack on a 16 year old. It was BRAVE of John Doe to report the incident back in 2010 even with the knowledge that it could ruin his dream of playing NHL hockey. He reported but the enablers did nothing.
why is it always about “the woke crowd”? why are we assuming this report is false because we arent told? why do we always insist that we deserve to be informed of everything?
My first thought is “why didn’t the player punch that creeps lights out?”. But that’s just how some of us would handle that situation I guess.
Situations like this can have alot of grey area to them. I’ll wait until I hear everyone’s side of the story before I comment on it. I can think of so many similar stories where the initial reaction turns out to be misguided.
The report is everyone’s side of the story. They spent all this time investigating to get to the bottom of things.
While I can cast condemnation on the guy who abused his position and attempted to abuse the players, I’m not ready to do so on some of the less involved people in the story like Coach Q and GM Chevy. Just because you attended a meeting doesn’t necessarily make one culpable of being part of a cover-up.
This is why we have a judicial system.
It’s a bad situation but the facts demonstrate that the Hawks management first discuss it on may 23rd and then when the finals are over they tell the bum he can resign or face a formal investigation on June 14th. That is a far cry from sweeping the allegation under the rug but the Hawks could have done more. From the report it sounds like they delegated particular individuals to handle the accusation towards an outcome but clearly some guys with the Hawks were uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do.
First, Brad Aldrich DID abuse his position and players/interns. Did you read the report? Coach Q and GM Chevy are both on the record as saying they did not know about allegations of an assistant coach using their position of power to sexually molest a player. The investigation report proves that they LIED. A group of the higher ups in the organization had a meeting, THEY WERE THERE. THEY WERE 100% INVOLVED AND CULPABLE. They could have done the right thing but decided to put winning before the safety of their employees. They let a sexual predator roam and work for 3 weeks plus before HR was notified. A young intern was preyed upon in those 3 weeks. The victim had to endure a complete betrayal by the organization he trusted. A sexual predator got his day with the cup, got his name engraved on the Stanley Cup! If Coach Q and GM Chevy were still with Chicago today, THEY WOULD BE FIRED.
Gbear. – There has been clearly documented and lawsuit situations of abuse in youth groups including hockey. Abusers begin with the very young, and those young victims move up to new levels of youth organizations. At which point new Abusers who are savvy to their targets continue the process.
Youth sports has already had a ton of press clearly pointing out abuse of young athletes.
This doesn’t change at the professional level.
So yah, you’ve never been groomed for abuse and your instinct is to “punch them in the face”. If however you were previously abused, the cycle can often continue.
I agree, wait for the final decision to come out in the wash. Let the judiciary try its best.
However, keep in mind, learning of a crime and not reporting it is an actual crime.
If someone robs a bank and tells you about it, and you do not report it, you would be culpable in that crime.
Well I’m glad the blueavenger77 has so much faith in the paragons of virtue who run the NHL. While I’m sure there are accurate parts on this report, you would be wise to remember that this hasn’t been litigated and is not an exhaustive conclusion on the matter.
@KAR 120C – Those things you bring up certainly have some truth to them, but let’s not assume that they apply in this instance.
Having not been in these meetings, I have no idea how they were conducted, if they were slapped together in the middle of a busy day or what have you. Saying “they’re all guilty” as some are here without knowing the accurate context is how we get Richard Jewell type situations.
@Gbear – The investigation was done by former assistant US attorney Reid Schar. The NHL did not investigate the matter. Schar and his team did the legwork and interviewed 139 witnesses. Yes, the report mentions that some of the accounts by witnesses “vary significantly” but what is confirmed by the investigation is shocking. To repeat, the report conclusions were based on confirmed FACTS. Question, Why did the senior leadership decide to do nothing at the meeting on May 23, 2010? Answer, They made the poor decision that protecting the safety of their employees would “disturb team chemistry”. They did NOTHING. They all saw Brad Aldrich doing his usual for the next 3 weeks and they did NOTHING. Coach Q and GM Chevy made official statements saying they were not aware of the allegations, THEY LIED. Feel free to litigate that all you want, THEY LIED.
@blueavenger77 – If you want to play Judge, Jury and Executioner, go right ahead. And it may be that the more peripheral characters here like Q and Chevy are more culpable than it first appears. But I think it’s more prudent to wait for the accused to issue a response/clarification now that the report is out than to rush to judgement.
@Gbear – They LIED, period. How exactly do they “clarify” LYING exactly? I don’t need to be the “Judge, Jury and Executioner”, that is the job of the NHL, NHLPA, and individual teams. Did you even read the report? Better yet, you need to watch the interview of Kyle Beach by Rick Westhead. link to
Scary that your first thought is to blame the victim.
@ Gbear. Late reply on my end… so you may not see it.
It is a distant assumption you put forward, but ok.
If in a meeting, regardless of how busy it is, each meeting has Minutes which are recorded and that might be “A player has been abused” is brought up.
Well to not investigate that is culpability.
It isn’t like in said meetings this stuff is just tossed out, and if it is, it is recorded… or should be. Every corporate meeting I have ever been in has “minutes” and after the meeting they are disseminated as a written document. If I see something missing that was discussed but NOT recorded in the Minutes, I ask to have it added to the Minutes (most people don’t give a shit though).
If it involved a Crime, I sure as shit would make sure my voice / determination on the situation was recorded in the Minutes so I am not held entirely accountable.
They keep saying John Doe but if they guy really wants to make a difference for others that have had this happen to them, he should come forward himself. I get that he’s really embarrassed but Sheldon Brookbank made a difference years ago. I think it is either Jack Skille or Jake Dowell.
Whoever it is they are probably feeling total and complete embarrassment and in some strange way self guilt. To many times people who get abused suffer from some sort of guilt complex. Give the guy some time and let him work through what’s going on in his head. JMO
100% agree, it’s John Doe’s call. Took a lot of courage to report it in the first place back in 2010.
After reading on, I now think it was either Shawn Lalonde or Kyle Beach. I really feel for whoever it was and obviously it is their right to not share their names. I just think when all is said and done, they could really make a difference for others done this way.
Probably best not to assume here. If the player eventually wants his name released then he’ll release it
TSN is saying Bowman stepped down from TeamUSA as well.
Three 20 year olds were recalled by the Blackhawks in April 2010.
Kyle Beach
Ryan Stanton
Shawn Lalonde.
Stanton was in Chicago on a PTO this year, so doubt it’s him.
As much as Stan Bowman deserve all that has happened to him, remember, it was ultimately Mcdonough’s decision on how to handle the situation.
McDonough is a P.O.S. He didn’t want the assault to overshadow him taking credit for the Stanley Cup wins.
And it looks like he is going to avoid the fallout on his self-centered decision.
My suggestion would be that admins warn and then delete any posts that speculate about the identity of the victim.
Its not speculation when facts are provided. The report stated the situation involved a 20 year old. That is a fact. There were 3 twenty year olds on Rockford that year called up to Chicago after their season ended. Fact. To speculate is to create a theory or opinion without using facts.
Fact: the player does not currently want to be identified. He is named as John Doe in the document.
Fact, the player is having an interview on TSN within the hour. Where he will be identifying himself.
So why is Crawford still here? He was” Investigated” by the Blackhawks also for some kind of crappy behavior and he escaped with a small suspension. If they investigated him the way they did this then he should slink out the back door also. Bowman should of been fired just for being bad at his job. Tallon had a lot of the Cup talent here before the Bowman’s got here so them being responsible is a laugh. Besides mismanaging the Salary Cap every year, with this year being the worst example yet, he’s a joke. Best news team USA ever got also!
Hey mods! How about taking down me being called a pedo and that bs like i’m somehow in favour of sexual assault? So now i’m not allowed to defend myself from baseless attacks on here?
If you can’t take it maybe you shouldn’t start it. Calling everyone “woke clowns” probably isn’t the right way to start a civilized conversation.
First of all i never said the word “everyone” so you can shove this baseless claim up your shaft. I cant be held responsible if youre blind and cant read properly. If you personally feel touched by that comment then i guess the comment is reserved to you and rightfully so. The thing about civilized conversation, really? A “civilized conversation” with people who cant wait to call you out an anti vaxxxer or pedo without any reason except for not being in agreement with you? Really?
Third: i can take it, at least if my comments dont get taken down.
Note: if you buy yourself a pair of glasses and read my comments closely youll probably (although im not sure if you have a cognitive capacity) see that i never said that i approve of decisions or behavior of the people in question and i still got called out being “in favour of sexual assault” (whatever that means) and a “pedo”. You btw probably should check in with a doctor asap… I mean your unhinged reactions to some random comments on this site are worrisome.
Do you prefer the term “pedophile”?
@DD – Your exact comment to this news story was, “Look at all them woke clowns crawl out of the shade to watch another bunch of heretics hang. All them here, never a good sign.”. You had no constructive comment about the article/report or supportive comment for the victims. The only response you offered was to disparage folks who were simply offering their opinions of the report/article or support for Kyle’s brave actions.
If it wasnt you who considered themselves woke your ass wouldnt have gotten hurt. You see if you get triggered by the things that i say then youre a woke clown and you deserve to be triggered but your stupid little brain just cant comprehend such simple observation. All the points still stand and i also think that the nation must know its woke “heroes” so yeah ill keep punching on woke mob like yourself. Everyone with a half brain functioning starts cringing reading that pathetic infantile BS which you call “oPiNiOnS”. So yeah keep spitting beseless slurs at me like it means something.
He’s right you know. The greatest threat to our democracy is the woke mob. We must do what we can to defend the people who enable sexual abusers. Hell, why stop there? We can’t let the sexual abusers get canceled, can we?
It’s honestly shocking how you had a mental breakdown in this thread yet are calling other people triggered. Never change bruh, this is great comedy.
@DD – Not sure why you are so unhinged and angry. Must be fun living in your little cave of conspiracy nonsense. Good luck with that. You obviously have no empathy for victims of sexual predators. I wish Kyle Beach the best and hope this whole episode leads to positive change.
Dear @jdgoat
Your view is warped my dude and its an understatement.
First of all the fact that you somehow bring a question of dEmOcRaCy in here just shows your lunatic obsession over people from the other isle. Spoiler alert: i couldnt care less about your democracy (its gone anyway).
The greatest comedy here is how you just fail over and over again to see that i never defended actual sexual abusers nor their “enablers” (whatever that might mean) and keep pretending almost as it was me who had done shady stuff 10 yrs ago.
Dear @jdgoat
The point is that you just cant argue that that comment slit the dirt bag of all the woke people on this site like a scalpel.
Ps: Do you ask your mommi for internet plan money with the same stupid grin as you have on your avatar? I always imagine you like this irl while reading your silly stuff)
Dear @blueavenger77
You dont get why me angry? Well its fine because youre mentally challenged, youre not supposed to understand anything. I mean i respect people like you as much as the next man so i’ll go easy on you.
You can curb your assumption on how i feel about victims of sexual predators because again its baseless. I mean for all your crying about sexual assault what have you done to stop it except for being a sorry loser online?
Seek help immediately
Are you trying to summon a doctor for yourself? It doesnt work that way you need to pick up the phone and dial 911 and tell them that you see domestic terrorist everywhere and youre really afraid that red cap men are gonna come for you. Those people will protect you
Probably a little too conspiracy theoryish but Bowman having this kind of dirt on the organization might explain why he was able to keep his job for much longer then he should have? Let’s be honest with how this organization has performed since getting swept in the first round of 2016 it was a miracle he still had a job to begin with.
Josh your probably on to something because Bowman was terrible as a GM and had a snotty attitude towards people. It was is if he knew that he was basically untouchable. And I’m not buying that Rocky knew nothing about this.
Kyle Beach confirmed.