One of the changes to the COVID protocols in the NHL for the upcoming season is the ability for teams to suspend players without pay who are “unable to participate in club activities” due to being unvaccinated. Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly confirmed to Postmedia’s Patrick Johnston that Section 50.10(c) of the CBA will apply in this scenario which means that teams who suspend an unvaccinated player under these protocols will receive corresponding cap relief for the day(s) the players are suspended for.
Among the scenarios where unvaccinated players could be suspended are government-imposed quarantine after crossing the border or the requirement of having the vaccine to be allowed to enter an arena which has popped up in a few states with NHL teams in recent weeks.
It has been suggested that the stricter protocols including the potential for suspension without pay have played a role in the high percentage of NHL players who have currently received the vaccine – a number that’s estimated to be at roughly 98%. With that in mind, the number of regular NHL players who aren’t vaccinated is quite low; Daly suggested to Ryan S. Clark, Mark Lazerus, and Joshua Kloke of The Athletic (subscription link) that they expect that 15 or fewer players fall under this category which means that they would be the only ones subject to this scenario.
It’s worth noting that while it could create an opportunity for teams to bank space during the season, it’d be an unwanted one as it would take a regular player out of the lineup and potentially force a recall from the AHL. Meanwhile, teams in LTIR would be able to bring a replacement up but wouldn’t be able to bank any cap space unless they were to dip under their respective Accruable Cap Space Limit as a result of the suspension. We’ll see over the coming months if this scenario winds up coming into play and whether it winds up having any sort of tangible salary cap impact for teams with an unvaccinated player.
Look at all those freedoms the government is protecting its people from losing. That playera can get punished for choosing not to get vaccinated. Your satanic mafia says what?
VonDooche says what? What’s a “playera?”
Do does be zacts whatn ya nose eet issss. Saul made up n wuzzuh type-o anywayz so yuh can hafin tuh take you “gotsta obey da lawz hofa madeup languangè” and shove off gov cuzn i doonfs share dat bee leaf an dont cure to give ye author titty ova meh
Go play in traffic
What happens if a vaccinated player infects half his team? Does he still get paid while an unvaccinated does not? Or do they just not test the vaccinated player and blame the unvaccinated guy?
Seems the policy is that the people who did everything they could to prevent it will be treated as people who did everything they could to prevent it and the people who do not do everything they could to prevent it will be treated as people who did not do everything they could to prevent it.
If an unvaccinated player is out because of a team related breakout, they’re paid. If it’s on their own time, that’s when they lose their salary.
That is one way of looking at it. Another way is that we already know what 98% vaccinated looks like. It looks like Israel.
But what if they are on a road trip, and only around vaccinated teammatesand coaches, and gets sick…
Seems like a double standard to me.
If they’re on the road and only with they’re team, it’s obvious it’s a team related breakout lol. It’s their choice anyways, nobody is forcing them to not get vaccinated. Their choice is obviously more important than a potential loss of paycheck for them. It’s nothing to get upset about.
Israel has had just shy of 7,500 deaths from Covid. Total. The whole time.
Florida has had over 50,000. Almost as many as the ENTIRE Vietnam War.
But, you think Israel is the model to be avoided?
Florida has had more deaths in the past few months alone than Israel has had total but, you want to ignore the freezer trucks full of corpses in Jacksonville and Sarasota to complain that a few Israelis have the sniffles?
Do you think that a mild or asymptomatic infection is worse than DEATH? Because you’d have to believe that…that mild or asymptomatic infection is worse than DEATH…in order to cite Israel as a Covid problem spot while ignoring Florida.
The only other explanation for citing the highly vaccinated place where people are rarely dying (in comparison) as a problem rather than the highly unvaccinated spot where hundreds of people are dying every single day is that you are getting bad info (intentionally or otherwise) and are repeating that bad info (intentionally or otherwise).
Again, unless you prefer death to sniffles.
Why didn’t you mention California’s 67,000 deaths and NY’s 55,000 deaths? Sounds like you’re making this a political. California has the strictest covid mask mandates and rules, why you just mentioning Florida?
CA and NY racked up a lot or most of their numbers during the initial hit of the first wave when we didn’t know it was here and had nothing in place to mitigate the spread. Before masking, before distancing, before vaccines.
There is a difference between someone hitting you in the head with a baseball bat in the middle of the night while you sleep and you standing with gloves on and hands ready in the middle of a boxing ring and still getting knocked out with one punch.
CA is currently averaging 90 deaths a day.
NY is currently averaging 34 deaths a day.
FL is currently averaging 350 deaths a day.
I haven’t heard of a single athlete dying from covid. Zero. The whole time. Yet, they are required to take a vaccine that Pfizer admits is around 35% effective with no long term health studies. The White house, the CDC, Pfizer and Moderna do not require their employees take the vaccine. But some of the best athletes in the world have to?
Oh, and the PCR Tests don’t work. The CDC already admitted to that, so who knows what these people are dying from. The numbers have never been on the up and up this entire time. Death rate never went up in the US…at least not due to Covid. Untested, forced vaccines? Well, we are still in the animal trials on those so we will have to wait and see.
What is your source for saying “the PCR Tests don’t work. The CDC already admitted to that.” As reputable sources say just the opposite. Instead, “the agency says it is opting for multiplex assays (that can test for both viruses) to save time and resources.”
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It’s sad that highandtight’s post has 2 up-votes because it’s nothing but misinformation and lies.
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Per the CDC’s own website. The interesting part is that even though they state these tests can’t distinguish jack, they are still gonna use them through the end of the year. So something doesn’t work as intended, but they are still gonna use it anyways??? Look, I’m not hating on anyone who questions me, but I really would hope that people do their own research and not take the word of a talking head on either side of the political spectrum who has money or power to gain from forced experimental vaccines.
Sorry for using PHR for this, but hockey has just seemed to jump in and not wait until this vaccine is even a year old. It never finished clinical trials.
Youre comparing a healthy people to peoples who dont care about health or are old and weak. Also, any of those numbers could be lies. Steady spaghetti reports of hospitals marking deaths that arend covid as covid. All the flu deaths just dissappeared. None of that changes that the vaccine is only designed to hide symptoms, not keep you fron getting the disease
Is death worse than the sniffles? You never clarified. You just moved goalposts and fired up a different misinformation cannon.
“Death rate never went up in the US.”
Uh, no. The death rate in 2020 was so high that that one year alone shaved off 1 and 1/2 years off of the average US life expectancy.
Do you understand how hard it is for one year to move the average by 1 and 1/2 years?
Not moving goal posts at all. I’m not Dr. Fauci. Rates from 2019 to 2020 went up barely. Not enough to suggest that 500,000 were added to the death rate. What I saw was 40k-50k more deaths in 2020 than 2019. But it is interesting that the US is on track for historic death rate this year…the same year that the vaccine to save lives roll out.
“Provisional estimates indicate a 17.7% increase in the number of deaths in 2020 (the increase in the age-adjusted rate was 15.9%) compared with 2019.”
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PS- Vaccines don’t do much to help people who don’t take them. For obvious reasons.
PPS- Is death worse than the sniffles?
I give you CDC’s direct info, and you quote Jamanetwork? Talk about cherry picking info. Who’s moving goalposts now?
Apparently vaccines don’t do much if you can still catch the virus you are vaccinated against.
Oh BTW, the boosters didn’t pass FDA…too much heart inflammation. Wonder if the athletes in their prime will be forced to take this one as well.
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It’s sad that if a person gives any kind of information that doesn’t support the get vaxxed or else brainwashing that it’s automatically labeled as misinformation by the echo chamber
lol talk about cherry picking, pulling one “maybe” from an article that mainly speaks against everything else you claim… pure insanity.
I can’t wait until people start calling for circumvention when Tampa has a player get suspended