The Canadian government and the NHL didn’t let the weekend stop them from continuing work on a resolution to allow NHL teams to bypass current border restrictions. With the North Division finals potentially ending as early as Monday night, an agreement has been made to allow the victor to travel for road games to the United States and for American teams to cross into Canada. CBC News was the first to report that a federal travel exemption has been enacted for the final two rounds of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
As one might have expected, the exception to Canada’ strict quarantine policies comes with its own set of public health safeguards. All team members crossing into Canada, Canadian and American teams alike, will be subject to pre- and post-arrival COVID testing. Team must use private air travel and will be restricted to a “bubble” while in Canada that includes the team hotel and arena. Players are asked to limit all interaction with the general public during this time and to follow all local health guidelines.
The way that the NHL’s postseason has shaken out in terms of regular season standings and playoff scheduling, the next round is already somewhat set. The North Division winner (Montreal is up 2-0 on Winnipeg) will travel to the West Division winner (Colorado is up 2-1 on Vegas) to open up the next round. As a result, these rules that the two sides have worked so hard to hammer out may only apply to just one trip. The West Division winner, should they win the series in four or five games, would only need to travel into Canada once. However, anything beyond that, including a North Division team advancing to the Stanley Cup Final, could mean several trips.
This resolution is a far superior result than the alternative for the Canadian teams, who otherwise would have had to play at adopted American location. Instead, they will be able to have home games with a limited home crowd in the next round. Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly expressed his gratitude that an agreement on an exemption could be reached, keeping all teams on an even playing field and protecting the integrity of the postseason.
Sir Justin needs to get off his high horse! This virus is not going away. People are gonna die and no vaccine will stop that. It sucks, we have all lost people we know and love, it’s time to open up your country and let people live and make their own decisions.
No, no, no…….no normality until zero covid is reached! ;)
Frankly, there is no good reason that the Canadian based team can’t just play the rest of the games in the U.S. The revenue from having a sold out or close to sold out building here can be shared with the Canadian team instead of playing semi-final games with 50 people in the building.
Yeah, f— everyone else! I gots to hockey! I mean it’s not like “letting people make their own decisions” regarding a highly contagious virus will impact others!
I hear this kind of attitude a lot from anti-vax cementheads. And this is my answer. Are you down with me driving 100 mph past your house, Billysbballz? How about if I just fire my shotgun on the sidewalk outside? Maybe I can deal some drugs, too, and use that sidewalk for a toilet. Oh, yeah, I’m gonna get a boombox and play it as loudly as I can, right outside your front door. YOU CAN’T LIMIT MY FREEDOM!!!
Guess what? Weird though it might seem to you, society gets to make laws to protect everyone, even if it prevents you from “living and making your own decisions.”
Nha Trang here presents the kind of pretentious faux science attack that has run its course. All that’s missing is an appeal to authority.
There are many, and growing, reasons to avoid a non-FDA approved exprimental use vaccine. But why argue actual science when you can just call someone a cementhead!
There’s this thing called the Bill of Rights here in the states too. Trivial thing, I know.
I will just say this to you guys. This is obviously a charged issue and we will differ in our views on it, but I would suggest you be careful discussing this here because when discussions like this get out of hand (which seems to be starting to happen), that’s when comment sections start getting shut down. I don’t want to see that happen here. Just saying. :)
What’s insane is the ridiculously low death rate and how getting in your car is more dangerous…can I ask should we just all stop driving? It’s very contagious? But not deadly for 99.8% of the people? So it’s a flu? Seriously I’m tired of the fear mongers who won’t go outside without a mask trying to impose that everyone who doesn’t agree with them is a conspiracy theorist. Quit being sheep. Do some research that doesn’t involve CNN, CBC or any other news outlet for that matter. And if you’re still afraid, that’s your right, but stop trying to make everyone else afraid of their shadows. Go get your untested shot, you be the guinea pig, and be quiet already.
Nha Trang take off your tin foil hat. Nobody cares what you think
Exactly. CNN won’t tell you about the more than 600,000 Americans who died because of cars last year. Probably because the number was around 42,000.
But, the part where they won’t say it anyway even though it’s not true clearly shows how they are brain washing you.
you failed to mention that the cases are 33.4m. That leaves 32.8m cases in which the person was just fine. If I did the math correctly that’s a 1.78% mortality rate. That’s if those numbers are not inflated which there’s good reason to believe they are but since I have no solid proof so I digress. 1.78%. Not to mention the majority of that 1.78% are elderly or have pre-existing conditions. Does that mean they’re not important? Of course not. It means perhaps those who are more vulnerable need to weigh the risks and be safer if they so choose. The mortality rate decreases hundreds of times if you are under sixty.
Honestly my intent is trying to get those who just flock to do what the government says, no questions, just do who call anyone else an idiot or a conspiracy theorist to take a step back and question why they think what they do or do what they do and why everyone must agree with them. 600000 deaths is still too many my point isn’t do disrespect any who lost someone. Wherever your conscience lies in this give someone else who differs grace. You are not the be all end all of covid and neither am I. But think why all this insanity for such a low mortality rate?
The mortality rate is a red herring. 600,000 dead is 600,000 dead.
US life expectancy rates dropped by more than one year…in one year. Statistically, that’s like turning around a barge with the ease of a speedboat. Unheard of.
3,000 people died on 9/11. Out of 330,000,000 Americans that’s a REALLY low mortality rate. Is that relevant?
More Americans died of Covid than WWI, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and both Iraq wars combined. Combined. If you use only the mortality rate, then none of those things were big deals, either.
Huh. I didn’t mention science at all in my comment. But that’s okay, you just keep arguing against what you’re fantasizing other people are saying rather than what they really are.
As far as the Bill of Rights goes, it isn’t a suicide pact, chum. People went bananas over 9/11, permanently changed our country’s outlook on a lot of things, spent hundreds of billions of dollars, turned us into a bunch of scared bunnies who freak out when anyone leaves a lunch bag behind on a subway car or a city block, sent us into a 20-year-long war … for a TWO HUNDREDTH the death toll of COVID.
And for all the he-men out there who brag about how tough they are and how they’re willing to endure any hardship for this country, fight any foe … they were asked to wear a bit of cloth over their faces, and lost their damned minds over it. (By the bye, you want to point out the Amendment to me that says the government can’t order you to wear a mask and can tell you to lay off Saturday night dinner at Applebee’s? While we’re talking about faux attacks.)
What you don’t mention here is that in Sweden, where they handled this the right way, their all cause death rate was flat as compared to the previous year. Causing excess death thru a fear and despair campaign that led to countless deaths by suicide and drug overdoses, not to mention the millions of lost jobs and businesses, is a human rights crime.
Nha Trang, the ignorance emanating from your post is astounding. People have been asked to do a hell of alot more than wear a useless facemask over these past 15 months. There is no virus loophole in the constitution. If you can find it in that document, please share it with the rest of us.
I don’t think Americans realize the gravity of the situation here in Canada and how dangerous this terrible virus really is here. This virus has killed more businesses, more opportunities, more children’s educations and created more anxiety and mental health issues in children and adults alike than any other virus in history. And it’s caused our governments to go completely mad (although, admittedly, the restrictions the government has imposed do not apply to any level of government). This virus has completely wiped out our country as we know it, to the point it’s barely recognizable and difficult to inhabit. So I don’t wanna hear any more foolishness about this virus being taken lightly…because it’s been absolutely devastating.
I’m with Sessh on this one. Hockey is cool, let’s talk hockey so we can continue to talk hockey :)
Yes, good point. Everything in Canada is censored now and if it doesn’t support the narrative it’ll be shut down. I’m going to quit talking politics on here, but for anyone who chooses to keep it going I’d advise to include a plug for vaccinations to ensure they keep the thread alive.
Canada, another year of lockdowns.
Wasn’t this obvious? Could you imagine if the 3rd round series went 7? Games 1 & 2, then wait a week then 3&4, then wait a week, then 5, then wait a week, then 6, then wait a week, then 7. And then lets pretend Canada beats Vegas or Colorado and the Stanley Cup goes 7. They’re playing till September.
Switching sports, wouldn’t this also mean the Blue Jays no longer have to play their home games in Buffalo but they get to go back to Skydome or whatever it’s called now?
So far from Fauci’s emails we have learned:
1. Covid-19 was created
2. Hydroxychloroquine is a drug that works extremely well against Covid-19
3. There is no such thing as asymptomatic spread
4. The surgical type or cloth face masks don’t work
5. No lockdowns were necessary
6. Facebook purposefully promoted authoritarian propaganda regarding Covid-19
7. We were not given actual numbers of those who died from Covid-19
8. Fauci knowingly lied to Congress last month
Even better, Captain Peeshispants is getting “reinstated” soon, right?
so scared of a little old man, kinda sad lol
Unfortunately, His Fraudulency II (Rutherford B. Hayes being His Fraudulency I) will remain in his Deleware White House until Obama decides it’s Kamala’s time to take over for him.
nah covid is a syndicate conspiracy created by the cancer man to spread the “vaccine” which is really a way to spreed alien dna into humans to prepare us for an alien take over and we become slaves of this alien race. my source for all of this is an fbi agent named fox mulder and confirmed by the now dead deep throat.
Canada voted for little black-face boy so what do they expect? It is a pathetic joke how you watch a USA playoff game with 15000 fans in the seats and then see the Canadians / Winnipeg game in an empty arena! It doesn’t make any sense!! STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS OR YOU WILL LOSE THEM