The Department of Player Safety has determined that Connor McDavid’s elbow on Jesperi Kotkaniemi from yesterday’s action is not worthy of a suspension, but have issued a $5,000 fine. That is the maximum allowable fine under the CBA and it will keep McDavid on the ice for the Edmonton Oilers moving forward.
The incident occurred in the first period of last night’s game after the Montreal Canadiens were already up 3-0. After Kotkaniemi had passed the puck, McDavid still tried to lay a hit and extended his elbow up into the Montreal forward’s face. McDavid earned a two-minute minor for roughing and will now have to pay a fine as well.
Though he will escape suspension, the fine will go onto McDavid’s record and be taken into account for future supplementary discipline decisions. Kotkaneimi did not suffer an injury on the play.
Seeing mcDavid doing a lot of these dirty little checks lately.
I just looked at the video and that was a super late hit that looked aimed at his head… anyone else gets two games. I can’t believe how late and high that hit was. What the heck was that about? Looked like a spoiled kid lashing out because he was upset they were down 3 in the first… you wanna get the boys going, then just drop the gloves instead of throwing late/psychopath hits on vulnerable guys. Sheesh. Lucky he wasn’t suspended, do better.
@Poundsy24 couldn’t have said it better. I’d love to see him drop the gloves, especially over this one.
How dare kotkaniemi get his head in the way of McDavids elbow. Kids gotta learn…
A $5000 fine for someone on a $100 million contract……yeah, he sure learned his lesson. McDavid and George Parros must be neighbors or best buddies.
Yeah, if the elbow and head were reversed there would be a suspension for sure. I would love to see someone drop the gloves with McDavid and make him either drop the gloves or take a brutal beating looking like a turtle. You want to play the dirty game, step up and answer the bell.
Anyone but McDavid and that is an automatic suspension.
Have to disagree with the anyone but McDavid would get suspended.
Although I agree with you,MZ311, all the stars (in the leagues mind) are protected from these 1-2 game suspensions.
Ovi spears in the nuts, and it’s a 2 min roughing (so the refs seen it) during game and 5 k fine.
97 gets 2 for elbowing (again the refs seen it or there would be no call on ice)
If the average player does either of these plays- it’s a 5 min Major and suspension.
Heaven forbid, they can’t suspend probably the best play in the league.
Personally, I don’t care who it is. You do the crime, you pay the consequences!!!
And yep the league protected their poster child… he didn’t get suspended but yet Stephenson does for the same type of hit… what a freaking joke