In the penultimate update, the NHL has released a statement on the COVID-19 testing being done in the bubble. For the ninth straight week, there have been zero positive tests. Their statement reads as follows:
The NHL completed the ninth week of its Phase 4 Return to Play with no positive test results for COVID-19 among the 773 tests administered. Testing was administered on a daily basis to all members of the Clubs’ 52-member travelling parties, including Players, during the period from September 20-26. The NHL has administrated 33,174 tests to Club personnel, including players, since the start of Phase 4 with zero positive tests. The NHL will issue its final update on COVID-19 testing results following the conclusion of the Stanley Cup Final. The League will not be providing information on the identity of any individuals or Clubs.
With just a few days left until the championship is awarded, the league seems destined to get through their return to play without experiencing another outbreak, though things can obviously change in an instant.
When was their first outbreak?