In what has become routine, the NHL has issued another update on its COVID-19 testing within the bubble cities of Edmonton and Toronto. Just like the last several weeks, there were zero positive results among the 2,814 tests administered. All members of the remaining team’s 52-member traveling parties were tested daily between August 23-29.
The league has now administered over 27,500 tests inside the bubble with zero positives.
With more and more teams being eliminated from postseason contention, securing the bubble should be even easier moving forward. So far the league has done an exceptional job keeping its players and staff safe and separated, though there is obviously still more work to be done.
27,500 tests that are turned around within a day. Meanwhile, in South Florida, there is a shortage of tests and it is taking up to 18 days for some people to get results. ‘Merica!!!!!!!!!
Money talks in America. Hockey has money to pay for it to be done. What’s interesting is no one is talking about how they have had ZERO positive tests. I believe that is ZERO total, prior to entering the bubble they came in with ZERO
@bestno5 – @Gbear & I have been talking (here on PHR) a lot about these “so-called” zero positive tests. I don’t believe these results are completely truthful.
They’re in Canada, not the US.
@josiahdd – I’m sure you were replying to @bestno5, but the NHL offices are in the U.S.
The people being tested are in the bubbles. The bubbles are located in Canada.
And considering the high amount of false positives resulting from these tests (PCR tests never should’ve been used to detect this virus and weren’t intended for it), people would be better off not wasting their time with them unless they have underlying health issues.
But if you want to be critical of some US states, take a look at the death numbers for NY and NJ. Worse than most other nations let alone other states!
@Mac – I was gonna make a Covid joke, but 99.4% of people wouldn’t get it. :D.
Sorry, but I couldn’t resist that one. :)
@Gbear – Good one, Randy! :)
The US as a whole is doing worse than every single other nation when looking at the death numbers.
If you want to be critical.
9/11 jokes are like Covid jokes, but even fewer people get them.
And if you want to use critical thinking skills, look at deaths per million. Quite a few Euopean nations doing worse than the US. And if you believe the numbers China is reporting, then I have a bridge to sell you.
@Gbear – I believe I know of that bridge – “The Bridge of Considerable Difficulty”, as discovered by the late B. Kliban… Seems to me the Minister of Propaganda for that country resembles Alfred E. Neuman.
So you adjust the numbers based on population for the US, but not for NY?
You want to use the raw numbers to judge NY while using an advantageous equation to judge the US as a whole, is that correct?
Nothing too obvious there.
@forwhomthebelltolls – Do you even attempt to look at data before you type things? New York (and New Jersey) are higher both in percentage of deaths and the raw total of fatalities than any other states. By far. Yet some want to take swipes at southern states who in comparison have very low death to population numbers.
OK, so you want to use having a higher percentage of deaths to population as a metric for doing a bad job, then?
The US has 4% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s deaths.
If you want to be critical.
Wrong again. Brazil and Mexico combined have more total deaths alone than does the USA with roughly the same combined population. I have no idea where you’re getting your information from, but you may want to try his well known website:
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