The NHL had been hoping to pull off another World Cup of Hockey in February of 2021, but commissioner Gary Bettman told reporters today including Chris Johnston of Sportsnet that the idea is now dead. The league will hold an All-Star game instead, though Pierre LeBrun of The Athletic notes that it could potentially be in the style of an international competition of some sort. The last World Cup was held in 2016 and was considered a success by many, with the youthful Team North America and a Ralph Krueger-led Team Europe both connecting with fans across the league.
With the NHL pulling out of the last Winter Olympics, players and fans voiced their displeasure regarding the lack of a real best-on-best tournament. The IIHF World Championship only includes part of the NHL as many teams are still in the playoffs. The World Cup did represent a best-on-best format, however there were obviously some logistical issues that needed to be solved. For one, having it just before the season began risked injury for players, something Matt Murray experienced first hand. Murray suffered a broken hand in the tournament and missed the first part of the 2016-17 season, just a few months after winning his first Stanley Cup.
Because the league still very much intends on having a World Cup at some point, this news will bring up the question of participation in the next Olympics once again. The players have expressed that they want to go, but the league hasn’t changed their official stance on participation. Because the Olympics are not a league-run entity, the NHL feels as though the disruption to the regular season is too great. The World Cup, a joint effort between the NHL and NHLPA, would not be considered so. The next Winter Games are scheduled for February, 2022 in Beijing, China.
For now, we’ll have to wait to see what happens next for the World Cup and whether or not Team North America and Team Europe are one-time memories.
Gary Bettman SUCKS
No he doesn’t! Wait – you said *Gary* Bettman, right? My bad! You are correct, sir! G. Bettman – Master of “Cut Your Nose Off to Spite Your Face!” What’s next, putting games ONLY on the All-Telegraph Network, with NO TV or Radio???
Everyone will be reading those telegrams in Mike Emrick’s voice.
Or my favorite Gary Thorne voice: “No, I’ve had enough!” :) (Love ’em both!)
While I’m certainly not a fan of Gary Bettman, let me point out that in the other 3 major North American sports leagues, they replaced their terrible commissioners with even more terrible replacements. So maybe let’s enjoy Gary Bettman’s reliable cruddiness before it’s replaced by pure buffoonery.
The other leagues did indeed replace junk with more egregious junk, that is true. Bettman became the first to be unilaterally booed while presenting the ultimate trophy in professional sports. He’s attempting to criminalize speech, which may very well get his butt sued, not to mention any other team that attempts that type of unconstitutionality. Next up for these clowns will be to try and fire someone who is photographed in the same general vicinity as a known criminal. Or, worse, yet Photo Shop a pic of said scene and try to call it evidence.
The league went from $400 million a year to almost $5 billion a year, but if FloridaMan1988 says he sucks…
While it might get him sued, it won’t have any leg to stand on as the first amendment (in the US, anyway) begins: “CONGRESS shall make no law… ” and not “Private business shall make no law…” therefore it only applies to the US government.
Though, it might be interesting if such a suite is filed in Canada, though I would assume that they have the same laws that protect businesses up there from frivolous lawsuits like the one you mentioned.
Basically: if you don’t wanna get fired, don’t be a racist POS. Keep your mouth shut.
I’m talking about your “criminalize speech” BS. Honestly man, take Govt 101 again. You might learn something.
NO business can stifle the 1st amendment. I passed Gov’t 101 with flying colors, thank you. Coach Monty hasn’t been shown to throw racist remarks around, either. Bill Peters apparently did, according to numerous witnesses. Peters’ conduct – reprehensible. Both racist and unacceptable physical abuse. Babs’ conduct – reprehensible. Most everything not named physical abuse (yet). Bettman is treading on thin ice right now, whether you like it or not… Canada doesn’t appear to have legit free speech law enforcement, as they should. Some parts of the country throw slander grenades around like Halloween candy, yet don’t accept opposition in response.
Very true, no denying that. But he’s treading on a slippery slope right now. The work stoppages have been blamed on him, and him alone, too.
agreed on Bettman , as been informed by a little bird that, he is not on Santa Clauses list of good little boys, and first on Naughty list , Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all !
Up top, G! Right back at ya!