The Department of Player Safety is back on the case today, announcing that Nashville Predators forward Ryan Johansen will have a hearing today regarding the high-sticking incident from last night. Johansen was battling with Mark Scheifele in the corner before spinning and delivering a blow right to the head of Winnipeg Jets’ forward. The league will have to determine whether there was any intention on the play, and whether it rises to the level of supplementary discipline. Johansen did receive a minor penalty on the play.
This incident will surely just add even more fire to the battles between the Predators and Jets, two teams headed for another collision in the playoffs. Though the Calgary Flames have certainly entered the mix, these two are still considered top teams in the Western Conference and have absolute wars when on the ice together. Johansen, who has been involved in both on and off the ice trash talking in recent years, seems to often be in the middle of any extra curricular activity. He’s sure to be there again if they do end up facing off in the postseason.
For now though, Johansen is almost definitely going to face a suspension of some sort. Though it may have not been a premeditated action, it was obviously quite dangerous and could have resulted in a major injury. The Predators forward will have to pay for that, and very well could be out for the rest of January.
“The Predators forward will have to pay for that, and very well could be out for the rest of January.” The way DPS has botched almost every incident this year? It wouldn’t surprise, but that might be the only one that should get reduced (if it happens), just not by a Socialist “arbitrator.” Ryan Johansen is fed up with being on the receiving end of Rodeo Hockey and has basically said “Enough is enough!”
So you’re saying he’s like a little kid lashing out in a tantrum on an innocent kid because the mean kids picked on him, or are you just saying he’s a Neanderthal?
Some guys are getting more fed up and throwing the old patience towel out the window. The league is inconsistent with discipline with regard to cheap-shots and borderline cheap shots. Some guys are simply “Mad as Hell & won’t take it anymore.” Ryan’s just one of a few. Others like Ekblad keep on with the “bend over and take it”, which is somewhat mystifying. Hertl’s like that too. Eventually, though, some guys are going to reach the breaking point. Johansen may be this year’s poster guy for that. Unfortunately, for him, it may come back to bite him in the butt later on…
So, yeah, you may look at it like a kid getting crapped on & lashing out against the real or perceived threat…natural instinct. Fight or flight…more guys will be choosing fight, even though their apparent character might suggest otherwise. Those guys exhibiting “bend over and take it” will probably targeted more, like Hertl has been over his career.