After Tom Wilson was given a 20-game suspension from the Department of Player Safety just before the start of the season, the wheels were almost immediately put in motion on an appeal through the NHLPA. The first such appeal, in which Wilson’s representation will be able to argue their case in front of commissioner Gary Bettman, will take place tomorrow in New York according to John Shannon of Sportsnet. Wilson has already sat out the Washington Capitals first five games, and will obviously miss a sixth tonight against the New York Rangers.
If the commissioner does not find reason to reduce the suspension, Wilson can then appeal through a neutral arbitrator similar to Austin Watson. Watson’s suspension was reduced from 27 games to 18, though that ban was for a domestic assault conviction and not an on-ice incident.
When the league’s Department of Player Safety handed out Wilson’s suspension, it noted that no other player had been given supplementary discipline at such a rate. This was Wilson’s fourth suspension in just over 100 games, and one that could define his career. If he were to return and be involved in a similar incident, there could be reason to suspend him for another huge chunk of games if not the remainder of the season. The appeal though could save Wilson quite a bit of money even if it comes down after the fact, just as Dennis Wideman did when his suspension was reduced after already serving more than 10 games.
I hope he appeals it to an arbitrator and the arbitrator increases his suspension to 81 games.
This guy is a no talent, headhunting goon that has no place playing professional sports. When to blast people in the head from behind when they aren’t looking many, many times, you are just a pathetic human.
“No talent”
You lose all credibility when that’s how you start your argument. He’s a valuable player who crosses the line too much. But to imply he is talentless and is only out there to injure players is pretty dumb.
Agreed 100%. While some of Wilsons’s play does not belong in todays game, the guy is a 1st liner on the defending champions for a reason. By past era comparisons he may be no more than a 3rd or 4th line guy, but a hard body that can skate with a top line and create more room for the more skilled players is part of todays game. Wilson has never backed down when forced to answer for one of his actions to show he is willing to play yesterdays game but needs to eliminate his high blows to enable himself to continue in todays game. Plays a bit over the edge for my liking, but hitting is a part of the game and if we eliminate it we become the nfl with their soft contact on QB rules being enforced this year. No one wants to see that. Wilson just needs to stop making head shots. If he were to continue this play making body contact only people wouldnt have much to say. Although a hit or 2 of his have been questionably late too.
Hope the goon cRapitals can get this scumbag suspended an extra 20 games by appealing this legitimate suspension in the first place. That said, knowing these cheater washington thugs and how the NHL caters to them, they’ll likely use their NBC pull to get this guy a “good samaritan” award at the end of the season and win ANOTHER BOGUS Stanley Cup that they didn’t rightfully earn. Sounds like the 2017-18 season, huh? LOL.
“Goon” Capitsls? They have one guy who plays on or over the edge in Wilson. This sounds like comments from a hurt Pens fan that is upset that they can no longer dominate. Caps won it. Deal with it.
And for the record I’m a fan of a western team so no, there is no Caps bias here.
Add 10 more games to his suspension and if he pulls something like this again, throw him out of the league
An arbitrator cannot add more games to a suspension. They can only decide if the penalty warrants a suspension of the leagues decision or of they went overboard. It’s basically on ok situation, or (usually) you stepped over the line situation. I suspect he will have it reduced to about 15 games. But will not be surprised if it remains of the NHL fights it properly.
reduce it to whatever amount of games missed so far. reinstate him. clean hit on a showboating dangler, fight me.
Play was not on a “showboating dangler” was on a up and coming 2nd line type player. He cant hit Ovi, he’s on his line.